Focused on IT Solutions for Health
Welcome to Infer Health IT, a startup with the mission to provide solutions for challenging healthcare problems. We use collaboration among diverse stakeholders as the method to find solutions. Agility, adaptability, security, privacy, and safety, are foundations to Infer Health IT. Are you interested in collaborating? Please reach out with the contact information above.

With our innovative and insightful technology, we strive to develop healthcare information technology (IT) applications that address problems. Infer Health IT was founded in 2019 with the mission to provide IT solutions that healthcare organizations have difficulty developing in-house. By implementing an Agile approach, the most cost-effective and time efficient solution is developed while emphasizing continuous communication and collaboration. Please reach out to determine how Infer Health IT may be of value to your organization.

Advanced Solutions
Cost-effective health IT solutions that are safe, secure, and maintain patient data private are at the core of what we do at Infer Health IT. Our mission of developing IT that strives to heal and save lives is a result of the great need for health IT in organizations that is not prohibitive for the commonly found tight budget. Currently, the IT solution developed is based on clinical best practices determined by research for diagnosis of a major public health problem. Research, as well as, a diverse team with many years of experience provide insight on strategy, process, and technology to solve problems in healthcare with IT. Click below to learn more about Infer Health IT, or to get in touch.
222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza
Floor 12, Suite 1212
Chicago, IL 60654